(1) Literature: Bring all the materials for revision.
(2) Linguistic: Prepare a 3-minute Oral Presentation (PowerPoint) and bring all the materials for revision (1 hr - Individual Presentation & 2 hrs - Revision).
(3) Submit Assignments - BMK & TITAS(4) Ujian Akhir Kursus/UAK (9.10.2011) & Final Exam (29 & 30.10.2011).
Please check your email from time to time for new info, additional course materials and the timetables for the UAK & Final Exam. Any problem feel free to call me.
Salam..minta budi bicara untuk kongsikan maklumat atau contoh soalan exam tsl3101 & tsl3102.. kepada sesiapa yang sudi sila emailkan ke akmalju_786@yahoo.com.my, terima kasih.